Monday, October 22, 2007

Crash! Boom! Bang...

...Is how my morning started out at work today. I had one of the most eventful mornings of work I've ever had, and it probably one of the worst...

I got to the shop just before 7 just like I always do. We got told what we were doing for the day, then we packed supplies, and loaded the vans. Rob and I were a little pissed off while loading the vans this morning because one of the new guys (who happens to be a tit) took it upon himself to take and load Dustin's old van. (as Dustin has left for school for the next 3 months)

Now, this did not sit well with us for a number of reasons. First of all, he has only been working at Neu Lite for about a month. Why would be think that he has the right, or rank to pull a stunt like that?! He's the fucking new guy! He gets the shit jobs and the shit vehicles. That's just how it goes. We were all there! Deal with it. Secondly, he talks shit about it to us. "Too bad guys, Stuffy's van is mine now! Too bad". After he said that, Rob and I almost punched his 6'9'' face into the ground. And lastly, we were driving a van called "The Dent". I am sure you can imagime why it's called the Dent... It's a dented up, rusted piece of shit that can barely do 90...

But whatever, we'll get him tomorrow. All of his shit will be tossed on the ground and he won't have any van to drive (You'll find out why soon)

So now we pack the Dent and we are one of the last crews to leave. I'm driving, Rob is sitting shotgun. We turn right onto 36th Street North to head to West Lethbridge. I get the Dent up to speed (about 60 KPH) and go on our way.

This is where shit goes down...

We are about half a block from the shop when we enter the 36th Street and 9th Ave North intersection and BAM! As we enter the intersection, a red half ton comes flying through, blowing her stop sign, and we slam straight into her! All of a sudden I see a pair of headlights flying at me, so I stand on the brakes as hard as I can, and try to drive around, but there was no chance of avoiding the truck. Our van collides into the side of the truck, T-Boning it.

All I remember is hearing tires screech, flying into the steering wheel, then coming to a stop. Rob smashed into the dash, everything in the cab went flying and we were smashed together with this truck.

We messed the truck up really good. broke off her wheels and smashed the whole front and side up. As for the Dent, the whole front is now smashed in, the bumper is cutting into the tires, and we blew the rad for sure... as fluid was pouring out of it.

She had to be doing 60+ KPH and I was doing just under that. We hit hard. The lady driving didn't even attempt to stop... She later said she was late for work and was in a hurry and forgot about the stop sign (In her defense it is a dumb sign. It is way off to the right, and hard to see.)

So anyway, after we hit, I see if Rob is OK, then we go and check if the other driver is OK. She is absolutely bawling. She wasn't hurt, but clearly very shaken up by the accident. By then numerous vehicles had stopped and had called 911.

About 5 minutes later, a fire truck rolls up with lights going and they all hop out to check us out and to clean the scene and try to get traffic going again. A few minutes later the police show up as well as 2 tow trucks. They also see if we are OK, then get our statements and whatnot...

They get everything they need, the vehicles get towed away, and we get back to the shop to fill out more reports and statements.

It was absolutely crazy. I've never been involved in anything that serious before, or that intense. In the end the only damage was to vehicles, which can all be replaced. Looking back all 3 of us were extremely lucky. If I was a few seconds earlier, she could have easily smashed straight into my door and killed me. Or I could have hit her differently and seriously injured her. Pretty serious stuff... But I am really glad nothing terrible came from it.

What a way to start of a Monday morning hey? HAHA. I'll keep you posted on anything else that may come from this. And it looks like Chad (the tit) will be walking tomorrow, because we ARE taking that van tomorrow, and he ISN'T going to be driving the Dent anytime soon!


Kent said...

Wow, that's incredible! Good thing no one was hurt. That was indeed some cluster-fuck for your first accident. Crazy


Kent said...


(Sigh) I almost pee'd a little