It's true, I am now 20... Grey balls. No more of this teenager stuff for this guy. I'm a solid 2 decades, and still going strong.For such an occasion, I celebrated with my hometown friends in Calgary, and it was an awesome time!
I got away from the city after work at around 5:30 and got to Calgary shortly after. Upon arriving I stopped in at SAIT to see Rebecca and Erika and see what their plans were for the night. They were already to go in there togas and ready to party when I got there. Eric (one of their friends from SAIT) was having a toga party that Friday in his room, and so everyone was going to that.
I said my hellos and whatnot, then I headed over to Kruse Dahls to see what was shaking there.
We all had some drinks then headed out to FATS for some food and drinks before going out. I chilled there for a bit then decided to check out this toga party that was going on.
I headed back to SAIT and craziness ensued...
Seeing how I normally don't wear togas on a day to day basis, I was not wearing one at the time. That being the case, I surely couldn't go to a toga party without actually wearing one. So when I got there, Rebecca, Erika, Laura and I went to Erika's room to fashion me a 30 second toga. We ripped off some sheets, which happened to be leopard print (Erika is a wind one) and tried to make me a toga.... We failed. Corners were hanging down, it fell down, pins were grabbing me, and more importantly it looked nothing like a toga.
So what did I do you ask?!
Jeff! Who just so happens to be Erika's new significant other. He shows up, and it turns out that he is a wize at wrapping a dude in a toga!
I must say, it was awkward... I'm not a shy guy by any means, but it's just a little weird to stand, in only my Under Armour, at let another guy dress me... but whatever. He got it to work, and I was looking good!
Now that was over, I was ready to go. We headed back to Eric's and partied toga style.
All was good until about 11... when Miss Vause wasn't feeling too good... (Yes... at 11 in the PM) She partied a bit too hard, and was ready to call it a night. She went upstairs and did whatever she had to do to feel better... HAHA! I went up to let some the girls into Erika's room to get stuff as I was in charge of her keys for the night. While there, I checked in on Sicky, and got her some water, as she has done sooo many times before for myself. Then shortly after, everyone was very kindly told to get the hell out of the room!
Now before that, I was planning on crashing on Erika's floor for the night, but after being kicked out, there was no way I was sleeping on the cold hard tile floor of the entrance way... So I decided to call it a night, and made my way back to Kruse-Dahls place.
A cynical and negative blog post was written up, for what reason I don't know... then some serious sleep was had.
At this point I am now officially 20 years old (whoo...)
I wake up the next day ready to go! Me and KD chill at his place for a bit then, I met up with Rebecca, Laura and some SAIT people for some lunch. After that I just killed the day doing some shopping at hanging out.
Now I had absolutely no plans for what everyone was doing for my birthday. I had been texting Erika earlier in the week while I was at work. We were talking about what I should do for my 20th. I then just told her that she has complete control of the plans, and that she had to plan my party. I felt confident that she knew me well enough and that she would plan something I'd have fun doing, but I kinda expected her to just tell some people to come out to a bar with us or something... I was wrong. :|
She went all out! HAHA! At 6 that night, we all headed over to SAIT to meet up. Everyone was ready to head out when she pulls out a mini birthday cake and a birthday card for me from everyone. It was awesome.
We then all piled into Rebecca and Jared's vehicles and headed to play some laser tag! HAHA. Erika booked me 2 rounds of laser tag to play with everyone!
I hadn't played laser tag in years, so it was only appropriate that when I turn 20, I play it again.
Not only was it a blast, but I completely slaughtered everyone! HAHA! Beast (my name in laser tag) PWND anything that moved! It was a very nice start to the night.

After laser tag, my crew, and a bunch of other friends all came out to Shanks to celebrate! If you haven't been or heard of Shanks, it's a giant bar that has tons of different stuff to do. It has bowling lanes, golf, arcade games, TV's everywhere, lots of stuff...
It was so much fun. Erika made it her personal vendetta to get my LOADED that night... and boy did her succeed. We hadn't even been in the bar for more than a minute and I already had a Tequila shot in front of me, and 5 minutes after sitting down, I had a line up of 3 or 4 drinks that people had bought me on my table. I had so much fun there! Everyone just sat around bullshitting and playing games and had a good time. I only bought drinks for other people, and didn't have to buy a single drink for myself! (Birthdays rock) I was running around, and DDR'ing and having a blast. The drinks kept coming, and kept throwing them back! (This makes me sound like such a booze hound... I'm really not... but my blog does not reflect that. FYI...)
At this point in the night I draw a blank... I just remember singing "Don't Matter" really loud on the back to SAIT in Rebecca's car... then I starting to feel iffy...
We apparently got back to SAIT ok, and back up to Erika's room... where I just fell on the bed and was out... until about 10 minutes later, where I suddenly needed to use the gentle mens room...
From what I hear... it didn't sound good... In fact I believe the words "Dying cat" were used to describe it. Whatever, I'm 20! My sickness can sound like whatever I want it to!
In the morning I was woken up by Erika jumping on the bed and singing... I have to admit... I've felt better. I think I drank my entire weight in Mexico's finest the night before...
After forcing myself to get up, I drove Laura back to Rez and I headed back over to Sheridan's place. I hung out there most of the day and played some PS3, then I decided to take off back home at around 6.
I made it home fine, and in good time, and full of the memories of an awesome birthday and I wild night. Thanks to Erika for going all out for my 20th! It was awesome and it meant a lot! I really appreciated it. And also thanks for everyone who wished my a Happy Birthday and for the people to came out to celebrate it with me!
And that's my 20th Birthday! :)
1 comment:
Yes, this made my day.
i'd like to say the following:
A- I figured out that laser tag is the funnest if you roll on the ground and make your own theme song
B-I think my room is jinxed.. those who crash there tend to puke there. hahaha..
and C- You really did sound like a dying cat.. sick haha
Glad you had a happy birthday!!
Love, Erika
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