Saturday, March 31, 2007

New Setup

The other day I thought it'd be cool to go get my old Panasonic CRT and hook it up and run it in along side my current monitor, and have dual screens. I had always been able to do so, I just never had the room for a second monitor, and I also never took the time to go buy a VGA to DVI connector to hook a second screen to my 9600 XT.

So I decided to clear out the top part of my desk, move my setup around, and went and bought a VGA to DVI connector ($10 bucks at Future Shop). I had to do some cable manipulation, but I made all the cable reach to where they needed to go. After a few quick setting changes, my second screen was up and running in no time! :D

It's actually really great! It pretty much doubles my screen real estate. I'm finding it really handy for doing homework. I have Word running on my primary screen, then all my info on the other, or just have my assignment in front of me, and have Winamp and MSN running on the second screen. It's pretty neat.

The only down side of this whole thing, is that having a second screen running is putting a lot more strain on my computer... It has to process twice as much screen info than before. However... I'm not noticing a significant performance loss. When I want to "game" or do something CPU intensive I will simply disable the second screen, and go back to single screen. Done and done.

AND, if I really want to get "crazy" I whip out my laptop, and run an application called MaxiVista, (Which allows you to create the machine that it is running on to operate as yet another screen) and I can have triple screens running! HAHA! This really doesn't serve much of a purpose for me in an everyday sense, but it may come in handy one day... Plus running a Multi-screen setup is BA in my books!

Here's a couple pictures I snapped of my new setup:

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