Saturday, March 31, 2007


I like them. Please leave them :)

That is all...


Jumo said...

Hey bro!

Your blog is awesome, and so are you... and I would comment more, but I kinda feel out of place in your group... But I'll try, hehe if you comment on mine too.

We'll make a deal,


Anonymous said...

go do some fliptags christopher!! i know you miss them

Chris said...

Thanks man! I appreciate it. And that's understandable, although I do sometimes have a feeling on which posts you will comment on! HAHA. I knew you'd have something to say about the MAMA noodle one. ;) And yeah, I will stop being the silent reader on your blog, and start adding a few comments!

And Morgan, you know my feelings towards flip tags... I hate them, and If I didn't do them...someone else would...Hehehe. Ie: You!