Wednesday, July 15, 2009

2 Cents

I had a thought bubble in my head just now and I needed somewhere to put it... I didn't deem it appropriate for Twitter/Facebook so I opted for this old chestnut...

It was about Muscle Cars vs. Exotics/Tuners.

I am not a huge fan of old muscle cars. I think some are awesome, and I acknowledge their power, but I would take a hand made Italian beauty any day over American Muscle... This being my stance, which I openly tell people when talking about cars, I get beaked a lot. People's responses vary from something half put together such as "they are overpriced pieces of plastic" to the less thought out "They suck..."

I usually just put it off and end the conversation because you are never gonna change peoples options... Especially mine.

But what I have never brought up in these talks is overall performance of the cars...

What can a big tuned up 1968 Dodge Charger with a 426 do? Go fast in a straight line...

What can a brand new 2010 Lamborghini Gallardo Superleggera with a V10 and 530 BHP do? Anything you tell it to...

My argument is that no matter how big your engine is, or how many aftermarket parts you install, you can't out preform one of these cars. It's just technology... and high performance cars have it! Old school cars are pure power (Some with A LOT of it) but just don't have the brains to back it up to make it well rounded. Some of these exotics have launch computers, and 4 wheel drive with race modes that gives each wheel optimum power around a corner... A " 'Cuda" has "real big tires"

With this brought up I get shot down with "Yeah, but it will kick my your ass in a drag!"

And the argument starts again... HAHA!

Whatever, to each his own I guess. Bikes smoke them all! With Street Wheelers last weekend in Lethbridge I have been in 3 or 4 of these arguments with guys (and girl) about what is better and wanted to put in my 2 cents about it.

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