Yet another mod to add to the bike...
This time it's a steering stabilizer.
I have wanted one for quite some time now, but just never got around to getting one, then one day I was done at Lethbridge Honda (Last time I've been/ever will be there) and I asked if they'd print out a quote for me.
I was VERY unhappy with my treatment, as well as the "lowest price" they could give me... So I went over to New Way Motorsports, the new Kawasaki dealership in town, to see what they could do for me. It was better but I was still not sold. So where do you think I hit up next...?
eBay for the win! Yet again...
I got exactly what I wanted, for a price I was satisfied with. And 2 weeks later I was standing in my garage with Jordan and my Dad slapping my Scotts on...
For those of you that don't know what a steering stabilizer is, it does pretty much what it sounds like it would do... it stabilizes your steering and handling. It absorbs sudden movements from the handle bars and helps to prevent a "tankslapper" which is when the bars move back and forth quickly at high speeds uncontrollably. And if it helps me stay safe on my bike, and it looks neat, it's good in my books and I want one...
I went with Scotts. From what I read it is regarded as one of the best out there, and is easy to install and is user friendly. I also know a few guys that have them, and they have nothing bad to say about the Scotts stabilizer.
Anyway, installation was a snap. 20 minutes tops. I have to give Jordan a big thank you for letting me borrow his 30mm socket (which you can't find in Lethbridge apparently...) and his torque wrench. Installation wouldn't have gone as smoothly without them...
I've done some city riding, as well as a trip to Fernie with it installed, and I am very happy with it. Seems to be doing its job, and is very easy to adjust on the fly!
Here are a few shots of it...
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