Sunday, May 11, 2008


I recently discovered, and decided to join a site called Twitter.

What is Twitter?

"Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows users to send "updates" (or "tweets"; text-based posts, up to 140 characters long) to the Twitter website, via SMS (e.g. on a cell phone), instant messanging , or a third-party application such as Facebook."
It's pretty much a quick way to see what all your friends are doing. Instantly.

You just go there, or text exactly what you're doing at any moment. For example, I was shopping for parts for my bike earlier and I texted "Can't decide what exhaust to get for my bike". Simple

Now if you were sitting there idly, thinking "I wondering what Chris Widdifield is doing. He sure is good looking..." You could hit up my twitter, and see that I was shopping for exhaust for my bike.

Or even better, it could get you out of a serious jam (However, very unlikely)
I was watching Diggnation the other day, and they had a story about a guy who went to Egypt I believe it was, and he got into some trouble with the law, and right before he was arrested he sent "getting arrested. Help" from his cell to his Twitter. His friends all saw it, and they notified the proper authorities... Pretty cool story I thought.

And if you notice on the right hand Nav bar on my blog, right under my Profile, you'll see "What I'm Doing". That is my Twitter feed. So anything I send to my Twitter, will show up there. So while you do your 5th daily fix of my site, you'll be able to see exactly what I'm doing... As long as I keep updating it.

So yeah. That's Twitter. I think it's cool, and want some people I actaully know to join, so it doesn't seem like I am just updating myself on what the hell I'm doing. Mitch took the plunge just the other day, so at least I have one follower :)

Go join Twitter!

(It's late and I didn't proofread. Proofreading is for sissies! Try and read past typos)

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