Saturday, March 15, 2008

0 - 2

Friday night: Didn't leave the house. Sucked.
Saturday night: Went out, and it sucked.

I hate when the people you are with just bring everyone down, and ruin what could have been a good time.

Can't remember the last time I went out in this town and had an awesome time...

Something has got to change.



Kent said...

Move ya douche!

Chris said...

You move here. It's fun!

Jumo said...

I agree, something has to change... For all of us bro.

Kent said...

The day I move to Lethbridge is the day that will never exist. Sorry Bro, I don't think I'll be moving to Funsville, Alberta anytime soon.

I want a new bike... : (

Chris said...

So keep living in the most expensive city to live in, in Canada there big spender!