Sunday, November 11, 2007

"Together We Stand Alone"

I felt like I needed to write up something about Remembrance Day today, seeing how it is November 11th.

I don't really know what to say, or what to talk about other than the fact that today is ridiculously important, and people should honestly take the time to stop and think about what it means...

If all of the soldiers didn't do what they did 68 years ago, We would all me speaking Germany right now! They gave up anything and everything for their country and to protect OUR freedom. Most were my age, or younger when they made this decision too. I cannot imagine doing what they had to do at this age. Fighting, killing, seeing what they saw... It blows me away how anyone actually came back from it all. And they did it all without thought for themselves. They just knew that it was something that they needed to do. Those soldiers, the ones who made it, and the fallen, are all heroes, and should get everyones utmost respect for what they did for us.

Today I remembered my own way. My Dad and I watched some of my favorite shows from the Band of Brothers mini-series (My favorite DVD I own). It showcases how the men of 506 Easy Company lived and fought the war. It is really excellent, and brings me as close to what being there would have been like.

Hearing the testimonials of the actually men of the 101st and seeing what they went through is incredible. When you see these veterans share what they saw, and did, and see they crying recalling everything, chokes you up... and seriously gets you thinking...

I respect what these men did for me, and they are actually heroes in my eyes. For them I wore a poppy last week, and I took some time out of my day to pay my respects. I hope you did the same.


1 comment:

Jumo said...

Hey bro, I've been watching those DVD's with my bro from England here every night for the past week, soo good... Unfortunately the 11th passed by here pretty quick. It seems that the wars that are still going on here have destracted us from past ones, I do feel convicted though after reading your post.