Saturday, July 07, 2007

Steet Wheelers Car Show

Here are a couple of pictures from the Street Wheelers car parade that was last night. A lot of nice cars came out. It was a good turn out. My camera died (again) before the show was over but I got a few anyway. I'll have to be careful out today, because I think some of these could smoke the RR. HAHA

After hanging around with some of the guys with these cars, I found out that they are exactly like guys who ride Harleys... They think everything else sucks except for what they drive. If you're driving an exotic or tuner, you might as well be riding a dead horse... Nothing you say is right about a car, and unless you have one you know nothing. However the going consensus is that all Corvettes suck, if you have decals on your car, you're a poser (Even is that twin turbo Supra would slaugher that assbags DADS Mustang) and whatever car they are driving is the fastest in Alberta and they are going to clean up at the races today...

Whatever, 2 wheels will beat 4 anyday! BAHAHA!

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