Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Why haven't I posted anything in so long? Well, like the title states, I am lazy. I work all day in stupid hot weather, and when I get home I am beat. And sitting down and using my brain to try to string a comprehensive sentence together is just too much work. Just getting ready and going for dinner last night was a task...

In all honestly, I don't have that much stuff to talk about even if I felt like posting something. I have only just started being able to stuff normally again, so my life has been rather uneventful the past month or so.

But, I will cook something up tonight, or tomorrow sometime. I plan on doing a little photo shoot with the RR sometime here pretty soon... so at least you 3 will have something to look at.

So yeah, That's it... just lazy and have nothing interesting to say.

Keep posted... something will come. My blog stats have been dropping like mad lately. So either the 3 people that come here (1 being myself) have contracted some illness, or they just don't care anymore. Whatever.

Peace be with you.



Unknown said...

May God bless you.

Chris said...

And you