Sunday, June 17, 2007

It's Go Time

Tomorrow is the big day. At 6:20 AM tomorrow morning I go in for my hernia repair surgery at the hospital. I have to go in 2 hours early to meet with my anesthesiologist, and to be preped for the surgery. From there I will be out for about 2 hours, then go to recovery for observation for a few more hours. After I get the OK, I get to head home.

I am starting to get a little nervous about it now... but I just really want to get it all over with. But I am looking forward to a month off work, and watching TV, and playing X-Box all day (Picked up Vice City on eBay for $0.02. That's right. 2 Pennies! Gonna be just like the summer of '02 all over again :D)

So, I will be out of commission for a little bit, but hopefully all goes well with the surgery, and I will be good to go in no time. I'll keep you posted on everything once I get it over with.

Talk to everyone soon.

Wish me luck :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did you get to bring your hernias home in a jar? And name them? HMMM??