Sunday, March 11, 2007

What Time Is It!?

My computer says it's 3:40 AM, all my clocks are telling me it's 3:42 cell phone is telling me it's 4:36 AM and my post time stamp is telling me it's 4:45 AM! I'm scared and confused.

It's this damn DLS time.... What a stupid idea...

+1 Saskatchewan!


Unknown said...

I definitely waited almost an hour for a train that was never gonna come, because i was too retarded to remember the time change... well, i guess it would have came, just not for another 4 or 5 hours...

Chris said...

HAHA. I did that last semester when the time changed for the first time. I was an hour early for a class...just standing there...waiting for someone to show up and open the lab door... Took me a good 30 minutes to figure it out. It was a sad day.