Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Today had promise. I wasn't tired...and I felt pretty good, and I thought it'd go OK, but of course it doesn't. It's only 12 o'clock and already I want to shoot someone. There is always an underlying circumstance that is just waiting to come out and fuck my day up. It's going to fester all fucking day...I'm just MAD. About what? Fuck you, it doesn't matter...

Right now all I want to do is listen to any fucking rage music I have on my computer. Rise, Senses Fail, Static Lullaby, Used, Story of the Year, anything that is going to scream into my ears. But no matter what, I won't be able to get it fucking loud enough.

Fuck off.



Jumo said...

Hey bro,

I hear yah, I feel the same way...
But no sleep + sugar and speed drinks in the morning + school = Shitty days ahead.

I hate to admitt it, but sleep sometimes has it's benefits...

But, as per your request, I'm fucking off now.



Kent said...

Kill a kitten. That always cheers me up.