As I stated earlier, I am bored out of my mind... I kept busy today with stuff downtown, and working on my computer, but for tonight...I had nothing. Being that my sister is staying over at our place until Christmas, and she was just as bored as I was, she suggested watching a movie. So I said I would go burn MI3 and we could watch that. So after the DVD was done, we popped it in and started watching. We got about 50 minutes or so into the movie, when the Bose decided it no longer wanted to read the disk... I tried everything to get around it, as it was only happening at certain parts...but It was happening too frequently so I decided to give up. Now, we were just getting to the point in a movie where it's getting exciting, and you want to know how it is going to end...So I thought to myself "Well...the movie is still on my computer. We could watch that way...OR!" And with that thought, the Ultimate Setup was born! I had been drinking (Yeah, we made some Pina Coladas WHAT?) and went off on a tangent. I hooked my computer up (Via the S-Video out on the old 9600 XT) to our 45'' Plasma TV. I followed that by hooking up my old Altec Lansing 5.1's for audio... The movie was back up in no time, and I was as happy as could be. It's not everyday that you get to "compute" on a 4 foot wide monitor! The whole thing was a pretty big waste of time, but it's pretty cool, and I will be spending the rest of my night having fun with it. Time for some Battlefield!

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