Wednesday, December 06, 2006


So I, like I stated before, only have a few more days of class left in this first semester...and they are going to be wild. Take a look at my TO DO list...

- Finish AutoCAD Milestone #4.
- Due: Thursday, December 7th by 4:00 PM

- Finish Physics Assignment, Lab, and Quiz # 7 and 8,
- Due: Wednesday, December 13th by 11:00 PM

- Finish Chapter 6 Land Survey Questions.
- Due: Friday, December 8th, by 4:00 PM

- Finish Microsoft Access Final Project.
- Due: Friday, December 8th, by 12:00 PM

- Write English Incident report, Planning statement, and 5 page technical essay on GIS.
- Due: Tuesday, December 12th, by 3:50 PM

- Finish Drafting Final Drawing.
- Due: Monday, December 11th, by 9:50 PM

- Write Land Survey Final Exam
- Friday, December 15th at 8:00 AM

- Write Geological Science Final Exam
- Friday, December 15th at 1:00 PM

- Write Applied Physics Final Exam
- Tuesday, December 19th at 9:00 AM

- Write Calculus Final Exam
- Tuesday, December 19th at 1:00 PM

FUN FUN! It's gonna be craza!!!1!one!1

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