Monday, April 30, 2007

Breath - Smell - Remember

Something weird happened to me today...

Today I started my new job at Neu-Lite Electric, so I needed to get my work clothes from the summer from a suitcase in my closet. I found it, and opened it up. Grabbed what I needed, then went on my way. I had chocolate chip Eggo waffles cooking upstairs, and I was listening to music, Billy Talent's Surrender to be more specific... Nothing too out of the ordinary. But as I was putting on my bunny-hug, I breathed in and caught a whiff of it. Caught in my bunny-hug was the scent of my Shaunavon apartment, and the laundry detergent I used while I lived there... That scent, combined with the smell of my waffles upstairs, and the sound of music playing, automatically brought me back about 6 months. In my head, I was actually standing in my apartment, getting ready for work at GW, making breakfast, and pumping Billy Talent. It was so surreal. I actually had to talk myself out of the fact that that was not true, though I didn't want it to be all in my head.

I was so content with myself in those few seconds... I was happy. Everything was perfect, and I loved it. I had no problems with in my life. I had friends, a girlfriend, I was working, and I was having fun being young, not worrying about my future. Pretty much everything my life isn't anymore.

I knew it wasn't real...but I wanted it to be, and I didn't want to leave that moment.

I would give anything to go back and live in those few seconds....

Friday, April 20, 2007

Classes = Done

w00t w00t! About damn time too...

Woke up today at 12, rolled out of bed, stayed in my beater, put a pair of jeans on from off the floor, put on a hat, and drove to the college. Got close enough to connect to wireless, submitted my AutoCAD final Project (Which I will post about later) from the parking lot, and I was done! I have officially finished my first year of post-secondary classes!

Now I have 4 consecutive days of finals and she'll be all wrapped up!

PS: Happy 4/20 to all you stoners out there! :)


Monday, April 16, 2007

Venting Needed

Ok so, I'm quite frustrated right now... Not at anyone or anything, but at my bike! This is something that rarely arises, seeing how I love my motorcycle...but Fuck...

So I got a set of Watsen Design flush mount turning signals for the RR from my Dad for Christmas. Now these are THEE flush mounts to get (At least in my books anyway). They are CNC machined aluminum, with super bright LEDs, and they are sexy as shit. So I was pumped when I got a set for my bike, because if you have ever seen the stock Honda signals that are on it now, you'll know what I'm talking about...

Seeing how I got them back in December, I've been patiently waiting to get these suckers installed, but I didn't want to piss around in a freezing cold garage for a few hours putting them in, so I waited until the weather got a little nicer. And about a month ago, it did just that.

So my Dad and I started the process of taking the mid and lower fairings off my bike so we could install the signals. (CBR's are notorious for being a bitch to disassemble) And from what I gathered on SSB and other bike sites was that to install Watsens on a RR, you just had to take the lower and mid fairings off the bike, and you'll gain access to the stock lights...

That statement could not be more wrong! First of all, just getting to that step took about an hour in itself, but when we actually got them off, we saw that there was no way just taking the fairing off was going to let us install the lights.

So whatever, we think that we'll just take some more shit off...and more shit, and a little more. Soon we found that the only plastic securely left on the bike was the front fairing... We got to a point where we didn't know where to go next. So we said 'fuck it' and put everything back together.

At this point I was disappointed, because I wanted the lights on the bike, but whatever. I was going to do a little research on the topic, talk to some guys, get it figured out and take another swing at it.

I went down to Lethbridge Honda to see if any of the guys had anything to say on the topic. They did! Great! I go back home, and do what the douche tells me. He couldn't be more wrong. I mean, I trusted his word. He works with these everyday. But when I started doing what he said it was clear that that wasn't going to work at all. So I went back a few days later and talked to the service guys (these guys had to know their shit) Not so much... They came and looked at the bike, then gave me some suggestions, then ended it with "Yeah...the '06 is a bitch..." Although he did give me a few tips on where to go next so whatever. I head home with the info and a plan of action.

I had one morning class, then the rest of the day off. I should have been doing homework, but decided to work on the bike. I swiftly got the mid and lower fairings off (I've taken them off 4 or 5 times by now, so I'm pro) Then I start on the tank cover... couldn't get it. I booted up my laptop, pulled up, got the help I needed, and got the tank cover licked. Next was "Gary's" fine words of advice of taking the ram air covers off. (I realize that probably no one knows what that, or anything else I've mentioned thus far is...just go with it).

These covers seem to be the key to getting to the stock lights, so I am bound and determined to get them off, but they have other plans. They are happy where they are. They don't want to be taken off, and I don't have a clue how to take them off. So back to I find what I need. "Just push down a little...then pull back." HA...Ha...easier said then down. After a lot of pulling, pushing, and swearing like a sailor, I get one off! YES!...Oh! (This is where I want to cry) I see where I need to get...I just have a SHIT LOAD of other stuff that's in the way!

In the way is the bikes ram air intake system! :) Fun! I get to mess with shit that will actually affect the way the bike runs... I'm not happy at this point. I very hesitantly begin to disassemble the duct work... I soon realize I'm way over my head. Just to get to the lights, I am going to need to completely unhook the air box from the duct work, REMOVE the air intakes and some other shit I don't even know what it is...

I'm so pissed at that moment. I'm just standing there, with my bike is about... 50 pieces, not knowing what to do . I fuck around a little more with it...and get no where. So I give up. I quit. I put everything back together (In a very pissed off manner) and go back in the house...and stew in my anger. And that's where we are at now.

I honestly don't know what I'm going to do. I clearly am not going to be able to do it myself. My options, are to take it to the idiots at Honda, and have them do it, and get charged with 80 bucks an hour, recruit someone with a knowledge base about this, and have them give me a hand ( I know no one in Lethbridge that knows anything about bikes...), or fuck the Watsens all together, sell them on eBay, and get my 200 bucks back.

End Rant. Thanks.

Suggestions Welcome...

Penny Arcade

If you don't know what Penny Arcade is, you should check it out. It's hilarious. Sometimes it gets pretty nerdy, and over your head, but some of the stuff they come up with is genius!

Todays strip cracked me up pretty good in class. Have a look...


My Weekend In A Nutshell

- Friday after class I rode around Lethbridge and took pictures

- Washed the Jeep and the RR when I got home

- Later that night I went to Tobishan and J-Brown's and got pretty pissed...

- Sheridan was there too. It was wicked, and we both got floor licking drunk!

- Crashed in "The Spider Room" that night

- Woke up at noon, then took off

- Rode for most of Saturday

- Went to Ice that night with Breanne, Tyson, & Tara+the UofL Dance Team

- Slept 'till 1 on Sunday

- Pissed the day away watching TV, working on my bike, and eating...

- Homeworked it from 10:00 until now.

- Watched Diggnation Episode 93

- Went to bed

Verdict: Good

Goodnight All

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Cat Killing?

Not literally of course... I came across this article on Digg today. I thought it was nicely put together. Good for a laugh anyway...

By now I'm sure you're familiar with the age-old adage, "Every time you masturbate, God kills a kitten." When my doctor said this to me the other day, it made me think: can the statement really be true? Although the idiom implies a causal link, let's take it at face value and assume that it is merely observing a correlation between the kitten mortality rate and the masturbation rate. Does such a correlation exist?

Approximately 70,000 dogs and cats are born in the U.S. each day, or 25,567,500 each year. Of these, roughly 54%, or 13,806,450, are cats. Since 34.5% of cats don't live to see their first birthday, we can assume that about 4,763,225 kittens die each year in the United States alone. We'll take for granted that God in His divine Wisdom purposely smote each of these kittens.

Let's assume that the idiom is talking only about male masturbation. Let's further assume, highly conservatively, that males do not start masturbating until they reach age 15. Of the total U.S. male population, 107,199,356 would then be masturbation-age males. Again, let's conservatively estimate that teenagers masturbate no more frequently than adults, and that all men masturbate an average of 20 times each month or 240 times per year. This means that each man in the United States masturbates approximately every 1.5 days. It also means that there are approximately 25,727,845,440 male masturbation sessions in the United States each year.

There are nearly 26 billion male masturbation sessions in the U.S., yet there are fewer than five million kitten deaths annually. Far from a one-to-one correlation, there are 5401.5 masturbation sessions for every single kitten death. This means that the average American man can masturbate regularly for 22.5 years before he is responsible for the death of a single kitten. Indeed, with a life expectancy of less than 75 years, the average man will be responsible for only two or three kitten deaths in a lifetime of vigorous masturbation.

HAHA. I know I'LL sleep better tonight with that burden off my chest. Come on! I know you do it, and so does everyone else! Don't judge me!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Motorcycle Day

Just re-living that momentous day...

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Photo Plug

My Flickr & Moblog

Mad at the World?

Then have a listen to...

Senses Fail - Still Searching

...Loudly. 3rd click on the 4th light kinda loud. :|

Scream your problems away...